Boosting your metabolism is not only great for weight loss, but its so important for a more efficient body, overall. Improved digestion, mood + clarity, flawless skin & a strong immune system. Here's a super simple drink (or shot, if this doesn't align with your taste buds), to have every morning: In a cup, or shot glass, add: 1 tsp-tbsp of apple cider vinegar (start s l o w- half of a tsp when you first start out as this could be too strong for you) 1 dash of cayenne pepper 1 dash of cinnamon (did you know cinnamon helps to curb cravings? I add this to almost all of my meals + smoothies!) 1 dash of turmeric powder Water, if you'd like to sip this slowly Mix all ingredients together and drink up! Feel free to use a little chaser (juice, or I would recommend water) if this mix is too strong for you. This drink is best taken on an empty stomach, before breakfast. Try doing this everyday for at least a month to see how you feel. I hope you enjoy this little recipe!
- Jass